So we’re all out here laboring in our own individual ruts

‘All this pertains to the concept of the “brightweb” I threw out half-seriously in that post about missing stairs. This hypothetical brightweb is bright not because it’s well-lit by corporate and government surveillance but because it’s curated by humans who care about other humans, it’s small and interpersonal instead of vast and facelessly engaged in the elision of the human, and because it runs on old, “outdated”, open, functional, non-enshittified technology. It’s hypothetical, for now, but not because it’s not already out there. It’s just not self-identifying as one thing; it’s not unified. Mostly these days the things that unify us are already corporate-captured: social media, journalism, nations, leaders. So we’re all out here laboring in our own individual ruts. At least for now.’

— Michael J. DeLuca, ‘Degrowth and De-Enshittification


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